
Dec 03, 2021

How to Build a B2B SaaS Product Strategy

This article is for those who planned to develop a SaaS growth strategy, but still did not do it, and now have to finally tackle it, and for those whose strategy was not tightly connected with tactical movement and daily tasks and does not work well.
Nov 04, 2021

Software Re-Architecting: How to Modernize Your Software

In what cases, without software re-architecture, you risk losing your SaaS business? We will tell you about all the pitfalls that you couldn’t consider before.
Oct 26, 2021

Cloud software development life cycle in Ardas

In this article, we will consider the main stages of the SaaS development life cycle and Ardas' processes that allow minimizing risks of SaaS development.
Oct 11, 2021

Local vs IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS: What's the differences and when to use?

All as-a-Service tools are designed to remove a certain part of the time and financial costs for the deployment and support of your IT service. The whole difference lies in how much of the worries you leave for yourself.
Oct 08, 2021

SaaS Security Audit Checklist: Best Practices and Principles

Let's figure out why it is necessary to conduct an information security audit, who is it better to entrust, what to look for, etc. This will help you protect yourself from the negative consequences associated with the loss of important data.
Oct 04, 2021

7 Product Development Phases: Based On A True Story, My Story

Let's sort out which product development process steps are the key ones and what happens to the project and your budget if you overlook them.

Do you have a similar product that requires development?

Whatever stage your solution is at, contact us to discuss it. It is FREE and we engage fast. We will help you onboard the right engineers with solid experience in SaaS development and a deep understanding of SaaS business, better planning, priorities, and realistic estimations.

Chief Executive Officer